I have completed my first novel in my series. I started this journey over 8 years ago when I wrote 4 chapters with a 13 chapter outline and hated it. It was only 3 years ago when I started writing it again for NaNoWriMo. At the time I completed it at just over 50,000 words. I then went back for revisions and rewrites the next year and brought it to 80,000 words and closer to where a fantasy novel is supposed to be. I went for another 4-5 edits, before deciding it was garbage and a few rejections from literary agents before rewriting the entire thing from start to finish. It is now 129,000 words, and I've cut what I can, but I've added so much to it that I find it as close as I can by myself.
It has been posted on a website called "Wattpad" where they enjoyed it so much that they featured it, and has gotten over 2 Million reads, 7,000 votes, and 700 comments. I'm putting together a list of literary agents to begin sending my manuscript over to. I already have over 2,000 fans on wattpad, and hundreds of them say they're ready to by my work as soon as it comes out. I'm hoping to spice up my query letter and synopsis so I can send off my work in the next few weeks. I have my own website where I put details of my work online, including Character bios, Glossary, and many other things you may want to know. My sequel 'The Obsidian Arrow' is one chapter shy of the rough draft being completed. Then I still have revisions, rewrites, and chapters to add.
I hope all of you check out my work and my website. Thanks for listening.
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