Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Educational Kid Series: "Your baby can read"

Your baby can read?

It's a great concept for wanting to teach your child to read at such a young age. Does it work? No. Your baby can't read. This program/DVD series will not teach your young one reading. Will they learn words? - Yes. They will use their brain to determine the sight of the word and match it to the sight of an object or person. It is helpful for you child to learn sight words. Very helpful, and yet it is frustrating when they begin to learn how to read.

This is why it is frustrating for your child, who has already learned sight words, when beginning to read. They want to learn the word, rather than trying to sound it out. Once sight words have already been introduced, it is difficult to get them to try and sound out new words with pronunciation.

Would I recommend the program to others? Yes, I think education is the utmost importance for children, yet I recommend that when you do this, especially if you have the word cards - that you do so by sounding out the word cards with your child, rather than bluntly saying the word. It is important they your child realizes that each letter makes a distinct sound.

I have tried this with my own son, and it has worked well, though he's still working on pronouncing words. He has learned sight words very well, but I still have much to accomplish in order to get him to read. However, a friend of mine has a young child that's primary language is Spanish, and she is learning very well with it. She is writing down each word as it appears on the screen and is learning English very well with it.
My rating for this program is 7/10 - for learning sight words. Depending on how much effort you put into it, you can get your child to learn more than just sight of them. This opinions are representing only what I have learned on my own, with my own child.

-Craig A. Price

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